『美しく整った容姿に驚くほどのパワーを秘めた格闘家。クラウドにとっては幼なじみであると同時に良き理解者で、精神面の弱い彼を献身的に支える。男まさりで快活そうだが、実際は家庭的かつおくゆかしな性格をしており、周囲によく気を使う。故郷を奪った神羅を憎み、一時はバレット率いる反神羅組織「アバランチ」のメンバーとして過激な活動に身を投じていた。』 【FF7 10th アニバーサリー アルティマニア 】
"A martial artist who hides a surprising power behind her beautiful and well-featured appearance. For Cloud, she's a childhood friend and someone who understands him all too well. Someone who devotedly supports the mentally-weak side of him. Even though she looks strong-minded and cheerful, she actually has a family-oriented and modest personality, and is often considerate of those around her. She hates Shinra for taking away her hometown, and at one point was involved in radical activities as a member of an anti-Shinra organization, Avalanche, which is led by Barret." [ FF7 10th Annivarsary Ultimania ]
( translation by cloti_ct )